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Important Dates & Tips to Guide Your Social Activity

New Year’s Day


International Thank-You Day


Armed Forces Remembrance Day

#ArmedForcesRemembranceDay #remembranceday #armedforces

International Day Of Education


World Cancer Day

#WorldCancerDay #CloseTheCareGap

International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation


International Day of Women and Girls in Science

#WomenInScience #GirlsInScience

Self-Love Day World Radio Day

#SelfLoveDay #WorldRadioDay #WorldRadioDay2023 #RadioDay

Independence Day of Ghana

#GhanaIndependence #GhanaAt66

International Women’s day

#WomensDay #IWD2023 #EmbraceEquity

Commonwealth Day

#commonwealthday #commonwealth

World Consumer Rights Day


April Fools Day


World Autism Day

#WorldAutismDay #autismawareness

World Party Day


Senegal Independence Day

#HappyIndependenceDaySenegal #senegaleseindependenceday

Workers' Day


Baby Day


Eid el Fitr

#EidelFitr2023 #EidAlFitr

World Press Freedom Day


World Milk day


Global Day of Parents

#ParentsDay #GlobalDayofParents

World Cider Day


World Environment Day


World Chocolate day


Sao Tome Independence Day

#ParentsDay #GlobalDayofParents

World Youth Skills Day


Mandela Day


World Breastfeeding Week


Niger’s Independence Day

International Beer Day

#beerlovers #internationalbeerday

Book Lovers Day

#bookloversday #booklovers

World Beard Day

#worldbeardday #beardnation #bearded

International Bacon day


International Day of Charity


International Literacy Day


Breast Cancer Awareness Month

#BreastCancerAwarenessMonth #WearItPink

World Habitat Day

Nigeria’s Independence day

#NigeriaIndependenceDay #NigeriaAt63 #HappyIndependenceNigeria

International Vodka Day


World Freedom Day


World Science Day for Peace and Development


World Pneumonia Day


World Kindness Day


World AIDS Day


World Computer Literacy Day

#WorldComputerLiteracyDay #computerliteracyday

International Day of Persons with Disabilities


International Volunteer Day for Economic & Social Development


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This planner serves as a blueprint for anyone who wants to promote products and services strategically in the social space. With the latest outlook comes a different perception of certain dates and greater recognition of the importance of the digital world.

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